Fairfield County ARES Weather Spotter Training NET
Any member of Fairfield County ARES or guest stations should monitor the assigned VHF net frequency of 146.700 MHz, with a PL TONE of 94.8Hz, for NET activity, every Monday...
Any member of Fairfield County ARES or guest stations should monitor the assigned VHF net frequency of 146.700 MHz, with a PL TONE of 94.8Hz, for NET activity, every Monday...
Any member of Fairfield County ARES or guest stations should monitor the assigned VHF net frequency of 146.700 MHz, with a PL TONE of 94.8Hz, for NET activity, every Monday...
Any member of Fairfield County ARES or guest stations should monitor the assigned VHF net frequency of 146.700 MHz, with a PL TONE of 94.8Hz, for NET activity, every Monday...