NVIS Day – 2023

It’s coming! Ohio NVIS Day 2023 will be held Saturday April 22, from 10AM until 4PM EDT.

The purpose of NVIS day is to construct and try various antenna ideas, all working as NVIS (Near Vertical

Incident Skywave) antennas. These antennas are low to the ground and provide coverage generally

within a 400 mile radius- extremely important for regional HF communications in an emergency.

Take a big step forward and build upon the concept to answer the question, “How would we actually use

these antennas?”

For 2023, we have added a couple operating scenarios that will make your day more fun and be a

learning event for actual disaster communications. We propose a commercial power blackout, with the

need to communicate within your ARES district and to ‘The Sarge” at the Ohio EOC in Columbus. Here’s

the deal:

1. The event runs from 10 AM until 4 PM local time.

2. Stations will construct and test NVIS antennas.

3. Transmit power is limited to 100 watts.

4. Power for the station will be any form of “off-grid” supply: typically, generator, battery or solar

or whatever form you might have in an emergency setup. (Optional, but preferred)

5. Stations may test antenna coverage as in the past by contacting as many different locations as


6. Stations will originate a message to their ARES District net and to W8SGT reporting their


a. This message may take any form: ARRL message form or any other can be used, doesn’t

matter. If you’re going to use the traffic system, ARRL message form is recommended.

b. The message should contain the call sign, operating location (include county) and

number of operators. Any other brief antenna information is optional but appreciated!

c. Contact with the District net may take place on VHF or HF (Repeaters OK).

d. WinLink may also be used as long as it sent via RF, local node (VHF, UHF) or an HF node.

For more information on node locations, visit WinLink.org.

7. Operating frequencies are proposed to be in the 80 and 40 meter bands. Voice is preferred for

testing. Digital messages may be passed to OHDEN or Buckeye Net as available.

a. Optimum frequencies centered around but not limited to: 3.902 and 7.240

b. Digital OHDEN frequency: 3585 (typical is Olivia 8/500)

You can create your own log (Excel preferred) or use the attached format. Be sure to include a photo of

your group or your antenna! Submit your results to contest@n8ara.org

Have fun! Take a lunch break! I hope to hear you!!