Fairfield County OH Weather Spotter Training

Fairfield County Emergency Management and Homeland Security 240 Baldwin Dr., Lancaster, United States

Sign up today for the upcoming in-person Weather Spotter Training! If you have interest in clouds and weather patterns, sign up today! Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 6pm. Sign up at https://www.emailmeform.com/bui.../form/n53CyYNcdhIQfPVur8fj

2023 Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week

Ohio Severe Weather Awareness Week is March 19-25th. Plan Ahead and Stay Weather Aware for a Safe Spring! Severe Weather Warnings and Outlooks Product Description Awareness & Action Level Hazardous Weather Outlook Issued at least twice daily by 6 AM and 4 PM to alert you of potential weather hazards.   Stay tuned to later statements...