Latest Past Events

Fairfield County OH Weather Spotter Training

Fairfield County Emergency Management and Homeland Security 240 Baldwin Dr., Lancaster

Sign up today for the upcoming in-person Weather Spotter Training! If you have interest in clouds and weather patterns, sign up today! Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 6pm. Sign up at

Weather Spotter Training Webinar 2

The National Weather Service has scheduled three virtual spotter training webinars that will be open to the public and FEEE OF CHARGE. We are also working to finalize details associated with some in-person classes -- and an in-person schedule will likely be finalized and publicly released by next week. Each of the three classes will be...

2023 Arnold Sports Festival

Greater Columbus Convention Center 400 N High St., Columbus

The 2023 Arnold Sports Festival will be held March 2-5, 2023 in Columbus, Ohio. The Arnold Expo will be held March 3-5, 2023. CALLING ALL (ARES): The Franklin County Ohio (ARES) Amateur Radio Emergency Service will be supporting the medical team at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, Ohio on March 3-5, 2023.  This event...