Devastating Hawaii Wildfires Prompt Response from Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Devastating Hawaii Wildfires Prompt Response from Amateur Radio Emergency Service

ARRL  The National Association for Amateur Radio® is closely following updates from the Hawaii Amateur Radio Emergency Service®, Hawaii ARES®, as amateur radio operators respond following deadly wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui. On Tuesday, August 8, wildfires, fueled by the strong winds of Hurricane Dora, were burning in Maui and Hawaiʻi Counties. By the next…

Maui HAM RADIO – Updates

Maui HAM RADIO – Updates

Updates on Maui’s Amateur Radio and communication infrastructure amid wildfires, detailing affected and operational radio systems, repeaters, and other emergency communication details.  This file: – Send updated to – Updated by KH6ML and KH6UU Suggest you download and print – Load into the radio. MAUI_CHANNEL_ INFO_KG-UV3D_20230811.csv  MAUI_KG-UV3D_20230811_CODEPLUG.IMG. If updates are needed, contact…

Rep. Johnson introduces Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act

Rep. Johnson introduces Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Bill Johnson, R-Ohio, has released the following statement after introducing H.R. 4006, the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act, to govern private land use restrictions on amateur radio. Johnson was joined in introducing the legislation by Rep. Joe Courtney of Connecticut. “Antennas are essential for all wireless communication, whether TV broadcasts, wireless internet,…



National Pet Preparedness Month takes place in June and reminds pet owners to always prepare emergency plans for their animal friends so that they can weather emergency conditions safely. Pets are as much victims of natural and man-made disasters as humans and, therefore, owners must also be prepared to evacuate their pets with the supplies…

National Emergency Communications Plan

National Emergency Communications Plan

The National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) is the nation’s strategic plan to strengthen and enhance emergency communications capabilities. The NECP navigates the complex mission of maintaining and improving emergency communications capabilities for emergency responders and serves as the nation’s roadmap for ensuring emergency communications interoperability at all levels of government. The NECP establishes a shared vision for emergency…

NVIS Day – 2023

NVIS Day – 2023

It’s coming! Ohio NVIS Day 2023 will be held Saturday April 22, from 10AM until 4PM EDT. The purpose of NVIS day is to construct and try various antenna ideas, all working as NVIS (Near Vertical Incident Skywave) antennas. These antennas are low to the ground and provide coverage generally within a 400 mile radius-…